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Why select TAC for your treatment?

Image by Uday Mittal

Highly Comorbidity

25% to 50% youths with ADHD have comorbid anxiety

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Responsive to CBT

CBT is effective for reducing externalizing behavior problems

Our Approach

Learning to manage behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders is a challenge that is compounded by the high incidence of comorbid anxiety and depression. We are excited that you have found The Anxiety Center where we specialize in treating complex cases of anxiety and depression in children with co-occurring conditions.  Our clinicians are highly trained in the best behavioral and cognitive behavioral treatments and will confidently walk you and your family through the necessary steps to decrease your child's suffering and improve your family's quality of life. When co-occurring disorders are present, a high level of individualization is necessary in order to address what is typically a broad range of symptoms or functional impairments.  It is common for children at our center to be treated individually or in groups in order to address internalizing problems, externalizing problems, emotion management, and social skills deficits.  Our behavioral management protocols are grounded in applied behavior analysis and integrated with cognitive behavioral therapy to address any internalizing conditions (anxiety, depression, or general emotion dysregulation). Come to The Anxiety Center and be confident that you and your child will be treated with compassionate care combined with real results.

Disorders that we treat

Know more about our special approach of the conditions that we treat

Image by Nubelson Fernandes



Image by Mick Haupt


Opposicional Defian Disorder

Image by Husna Miskandar


Repetitive Behaviors

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